Wednesday, July 01, 2009

sistem ku

alahai sistem kesayangan ku...ngapa enggak settle-settle lagi..tapi dah ok banyak! berbanding dulu so thanks wahai sistem ku atas kerjasama yg diberikan.. :) (: :) (: (brapa byk muka happy daa...)hehe...happy la..satu mslh insyaAllah harap dpt diikuti dgn mslh2 yg lain...selesai beransur-ansur.. well salahkah kita sekiranya asyik belajar dari kesilapan sahaja? rs cam xslh..tapi kalo selalu? byk kali? xper ker? dah jadi kes lain ker? belajar dari kesilapan adalah bagus, mmg ok la...tapi bkn pd kesilapan yg sama! betul..hmm...entahla yg pasti i need more confident! i only have 2 type of konfident that was less confident and over confident..why its hard for me to have ..only confident? your personality and dont ever to think so much..u think a lot z..always thinking ever for a smallest matter to a biggest matter..huh! just do !

of course sometime we need to think fisrt..but not all, even u want to ask..still thinking ar? why? ask jer lah..u just need to be carefull only..that was true! yaa.. carefull, no need to thik a lot la..nk tdor pun berfikir lagi..fikir apanyer...baca doa shj.. alahai cik ct zdah

-salam cool, see in next post- --salam peace!!--

1 comment:

alang said...

keyakinan n kekuatan