Tuesday, February 21, 2006

swat, kernel, iptables

1. Cari how to install SWAT # Swat Samba Web Admin Tool service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = user = root server = /usr/local/samba/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID disable = no } (*Note: You do not need blank lines in between the lines above, they are used here for readability purposes only) Save the file and exit. You will need to restart xinetd for these changes to take effect. Once you have done this, fire up your trusty web-browser and point it towards http://localhost:901, you should be presented with a login dialogue box, login as root, and you should see SWAT in all its glory, take the time to look around and familiarize yourself, also, make sure you understand what you are changing before making changes to default options, you can find an excellent tutorial on the full scope of Samba and SWAT at http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/. If you were not prompted to login, or experienced some other problem, check the logs for Samba and SWAT, the location of these files again is as follows; /usr/local/samba/var Reading these files can usually give you an idea as to what went wrong. Otherwise, back to our friend Google. If you are in fact looking at SWAT, congratulations !, you now have a functioning Samba setup. You should now spend some time reading up on configuring Samba to do what you want it to do. The above referenced site is a good place to start, and there are also a number of excellent books available on Samba. Good luck, and drop me an e-mail if you need some help or just to let me know if this tutorial was helpful or not. 2.Huraikan apa itu SWAT SWAT adalah ringkasan daripada Samba Web Administrator Tool. SWAT menyediakan antaramuka yang menarik untuk bekerja dengan fail smb.conf SWAT membenarkan fail smb.conf yang komplek diubahsuai seperti file web browser, ini bermaksud ianya akan memudahkan admin untuk mengkonfigurasi samba. Swat configuration mempunyai link yang dihubungkan kepada semua pilihan configuration dalam fail smb.conf. yang membenarkan admin mudah untuk melihat sebarang perubahan yang telah dibuat. SWAT adalah gui (graphical user interface) yang terdapat bersama samba 3.Apakah itu KERNEL Kernel berfungsi sebagai jambatan antara system operasi dan perkakasan. Ia adalah sebahagian daripada system operasi dan disimpan dalam memori utama. Oleh kerana kernel terletak di dalam memori, adalah penting bagi kernel untuk menggunakan ruang sekecil yang mungkin semasa ia sedang melayan permintaan oleh bahagian system operasi dan aplikasi yang lain. Umumnya, kernel bertanggungjawab terhadap pengurusan memori, pengurusan proses dan tugas. Dalam erti kata lain, kernel adalah satu program yang berfungsi melayan pelbagai aplikasi untuk mecapai perkakasan komputer, oleh kerana capaian terhadap perkakasan terbatas, kernel akan mengatur dan menentukan berapa lama masa bagi sesuatu aplikasi itumenggunakan bahagian sistem tersebut terdapat 4 kategori kernel: 1.monolitich kernel 2.microkernel 3.hybird (ubahsuai dari microkernel) 4.exokernel 4. Cari how to install Iptables Installing iptables Installing iptables is usually pretty simple since it has become a standard option in most Linux installs, especially Red Hat. There is a very good chance that iptables is already installed on your machine. An easy way to check is to open a terminal window (making sure to be logged in as root) and typing: # iptables. If iptables installed, you should get a message that looks like the following:iptables v1.2.8: no command specifiedTry 'iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information If this message does not appear, then you must follow the direction below to install iptables. This document will give a quick overview of how to install iptables manually, but each distribution's package manager (apt-get for Debian, YaST2 for SuSE, and so on) should be able to install iptables for you. Manual Instructions Manually installing iptables, while it may be a bit more complicated, allows you to use the latest version of iptables as well as any additional options that you may wish to install. If you manually install iptables, however, you will not be able to use your distribution's packet manager to update it later. This document will simply run through the basic install steps that should work on nearly all versions of Linux. Please note that this manual installation also requires that the kernel-source package be installed. This can usually be installed through each distributions package utility, please check your distributions instructions for installing the kernel-source packages The first step is the get the iptables tarball containing all the needed files. To get the latest version of iptables go to netfilter.org . The download page is http://www.netfilter.org/downloads.html. The file should named iptables-1.*.*.tar.bz2 where the asterisks represent the numbers of the latest version. Save this file to a temporary directory, we will use /tmp in this example. Open a terminal window and change your directory to where you saved iptables by typing: # cd /tmp Uncompress the archive to the /usr/src directory (in order to save the source if we need it later) by typing: # tar -xvjf ./iptables-1.*.*.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src where the asterisks represent the version number of the file you downloaded. Change to the directory it created, typically iptables-1.*.*, by typing: # cd /usr/src/iptables-1.*.* First, we must type, using the kernel directories above: # /bin/sh -c make Finally, we must type: # /bin/sh -c make install Iptables should now be installed. You can test the installation as described in the beginning of this section to see if it is working. If the install steps from above seemed to execute without any error and typing: # iptables -V brings up an error, it is possible that the program did not install itself to the sbin directory, so typing the following command from the iptables-1.*.* directory should fix the problem: ComputerName:~# cp ./iptables /sbin 5. Huraikan apa itu iptables Iptables adalah program asas untuk mengimplementasikan firewall linux. Program iptables mengimplementasikan peraturan atau protocol samada untuk menerima atau menolak trafik rangkain yang dipanggil paket kepada atau daripada mana-mana sumber yang diminta oleh pengguna. Peraturan ini boleh menjadi komplek dan perkakasan yang berguna pada keselamatan linux.

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